From everyone here at Iceman, we would like to wish you a wonderful holiday season and a happy New Year!
As December fills Canada with all kinds of natural ice – icicles, outdoor skating rinks, frost on the glass, and an icy Lake Ontario – you don’t want to run out of the ice you need indoors… especially when you have so many holiday parties to host! Read more →
Are you looking to purchase an ice machine for your restaurant, bar, hotel, smoothie bar, or coffee shop? With so many types, styles, and sizes of ice makers on the market—it’s hard to know if you are choosing the right one. Read more →
Are you hosting a Halloween party this year? Create a spooky setting with dry ice and you’ll have a scary party that no one will forget! We’ve put together a list of a few haunting ways to use dry ice to wow your party guests, but make sure you stay safe with these guidelines before you get the party started. Read more →
It’s Friday morning. You get into your restaurant to start prepping for a busy day. Everything is in order and running smoothly.
It’s almost time to open. Your next task is to fill up the ice storage containers, but when you open the ice machine door you find an empty bin… Read more →
The team at The Iceman has been busy over the end of the summer. We’ve been out delivering ice all across Toronto. Here’s a few of the concerts and special events we delivered ice to: Read more →
Are you planning a birthday party? Organizing a special event? Or running a festival?
All of these parties have something really cool in common…
Ice! Read more →
The hottest trend in the food and drink industry is freezing cold.
Ice cubes are stealing the spotlight when it comes to premium mixologist-made cocktails. Mixologists study and refine classic cocktails and create new and exciting original drink menus. They often use local ingredients paired with spirits crafted from high-quality low-production distilleries. Read more →